Upward Feedback

Upward Feedback is a key part of the growth of your managers and leaders. It is essential in expediting growth and development and help managers and leaders understand strengths, blind spots, and the areas to focus on first. 

Do you have a mechanism for your managers and leaders to receive feedback from their team members? No, let us help!

Next Upward Feedback Process Launching 2 July 2024.


You want access, for your managers, to our community, coaching and strategies to build teams who have a relentless focus on business goals, with an engaging process to create productive, motivated and engaged employees and for your managers to become experts ready to tackle all which may come their way. 

Together we'll create the perfect 

Upward Feedback Process in 3 phases:

  • Firstly, we educate your managers on the importance of receiving upward feedback, the process and how to use the information to set goals and key actions to grow as a leader. We then help you educate feedback providers using a presentation and email which provides context and understanding of how important this is for the managers growth. 
  • Secondly, we seek feedback using our anonymous Upward Feedback Survey which is open for two weeks. We run the full process from requesting feedback, providing support to team members on how to provide meaningful feedback, and feedback reminders.  
  • Thirdly, analyse results and create a feedback report for each manager. We help to turn the results into goals and action plans to ensure to leverage the feedback in a meaningful way. We also provide templates to share back with feedback providers.   

The Upward Feedback Process:

  • Managers join a 30-minute group launch call.
  • Managers advise team members they will be undertaking an upward feedback process. A presentation and email template are provided.
  • Managers provide email details for the feedback providers.
  • We will take full control of the process from this point.
  • Launch the anonymous feedback process with feedback providers, survey open for 2 weeks. 
  • Send three reminders; 1 week to go, 3 days to go, last day to provide feedback.  
  • Managers complete a self-review.
  • We analyse all feedback, creating an average and mode for each rating questions and all comments.
  • We create a feedback report for each manager. 
  • Business debriefs provided (optional extra). 
  • Managers join feedback debrief call. 
  • Feedback reports are issued to managers
  • Managers set goals and create an action plan.
  • Managers present back to team. thanking them, sharing general. overview, take aways, goals and action plan. 

We seek feedback on these areas: 

  • Leadership.
  • Communication, and interpersonal skills.
  • Decision making and problem solving.
  • Team building and collaboration.
  • Performance management.
  • Adaptability and change management.
  • Overall management effectiveness.

What's The Investment

Option A: Upward Feedback Essentials


This is for managers who are looking to receive upward feedback 

It includes: 

Upward Feedback group information calls

Feedback process and templates

Feedback report 

Goals setting and action plan

If you have more than one manager please email [email protected]



Go to Check-Out

Option B: Upward Feedback Business Accelerator

$150pp + $500 for debrief

This is for businesses who not only want their managers to receive upward feedback, they also want a business overview.

It includes: 

Everything in the Upward Feedback Essentials package per manager

1:1 Business Debrief and report 

Send details to [email protected] or book a call. 

Book a Call
Receiving feedback from my team via the Manager IQ questionnaire. This has allowed me to course correct my own management style to get the most out of my team.

Manager - Government

The team feedback exercise was insightful, and involving my team in this process, meant I could see in real time my blind spots, areas of improvement and also where I am doing well.

Manager - Not for Profit

Thank you very much for the opportunity to go on this journey. I have learnt lots and have been inspired to work on my management skills.

Manager - Healthcare

Have a question?

Email me at [email protected]